Thursday, September 1, 2011


            Robot is a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of action automatically. It is used in various fields like automobiles industries etc.

            Here, I am discussing about the design and its working principle of automatic robot that participated in ABU ROBOCON 2010, Cairo, Egypt in 21th September, 2010. It was built by the team of Shashank Gupta, Sarup Kumar Ghosh, Dinesh Kaudal, Sandeep Manandhar, Drona Raj Regmi, Bibek Joshi, Suraj Singh, Krishna Kumar Jha and Niswan Dhakal of Robotics Club, Pulchowk Campus, IOE, TU.

Fig: 3D Modelling of the Automatic Robot drawn in AUTOCAD 2009
Fig: Automatic Robot during testing stage.
          Robot was assigned to complete the job of building the pyramid with the help of blocks. The main block was rectangular in shape having dimension 500mm×500m×300mm while the top block was pyramid in shape with dimension 500mm× 500mm×300mm. The blocks contain the through hole of 60 mm in diameter.

            The automatic robot had eight blocks (seven main blocks & one top block) preloaded on it. The overall dimension of robot was 790mm×850mm×1350mm. Initially blocks were held horizontally in the arms of robots. The wiper motor was used to drive the rack and pinion gear which rotates the layer from horizontal position into vertical position. The slider mechanism was also introduced to move the layer in left direction. All these above process were performed at initial condition. Then with the aid of single drive motor the robot moves in forward direction. As soon as robot reach the pyramid it inserts the three main blocks in first layer which is followed by second and third layer respectively with the help of motor and double pulley system. Finally, the top block would be inserted through straight drive mechanism of slider.